Design Matters
How are cigarette pack shape and color used to target consumers?
Cigarette packs are part of tobacco industry marketing
My research seeks to examine how the design of cigarette packs is used to sell cigarettes or could be leveraged to promote health. Our findings can help inform regulation of tobacco products.
Brewer NT, Hall MG, Lee JG, Peebles K, Noar SM, Ribisl KM. Testing warning messages on smokers' cigarette packages: a standardised protocol. Tob Control. 2016;25(2):153-9.
Lee JG, Richardson A, Golden SD, Ribisl KM. Promotions on Newport and Marlboro Cigarette Packages: A National Study. Nicotine Tob Res. 2016.
- Lee JG, Averett PE, Blanchflower T, Landi N, Gregory KR. “Their Packaging Has Always Been Like a Power”: A Qualitative Study of U.S. Smokers’ Perceptions of Cigarette Pack Visual Design Features to Inform Product Regulation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017;14(10):1234.
- Lee JG, Averett PE, Blanchflower T, Gregory KR. Qualitative assessment of a context of consumption framework to inform regulation of cigarette pack design in the U.S. Tobacco induced diseases. 2018;16(February):3.
- Lee JG, Averett PE, Blanchflower T, Gregory KR. Is the cigarette pack just a wrapper or a characteristic of the product itself? A qualitative study of adult smokers to inform U.S. regulations. Journal of Cancer Policy. 2018;15(A):45-9.