Sneha Amaresh
Sneha worked on a meta-analysis about tobacco retailers and health behaviors. She conducted her honors project interviewing college students from farmworker families about their experiences in college and with research.

Ashley Cabacungan
Ashley Cabacungan graduated in May 2017 and took a job at Duke University. She worked with Dr. Lee on NC Pride Survey and survey experiments about sexual orientation discrimination and health. Her projects resulted in two published papers:

Megan DeMarco
Megan DeMarco graduated in May 2017 and took a job at UNC Healthcare. She worked with Dr. Lee on a series of research projects including the NC Pride Survey, ECU's LGBTQ Health Promotion Team, and a study of LGBT health centers' tobacco treatment systems that was published in LGBT Health.

Garian Duval
Garian Duval works with Dr. Lee on a tobacco-free campus signage and environmental cues project that resulted in a report to campus and a paper in Health Promotion Practice.

Jaleel Kuteh
Jaleel led a project assessing how to identify vape shops and changes in the location over time. His work with Dr. Lee’s team has led to two papers:
After graduating, Jaleel enrolled in ECU’s MPH program accepted a job with the Children's Home Society of North Carolina.

Nunzio Landi
Nunzio Landi graduated in May 2016 with a BFA (concentration in graphic design). He worked with Dr. Lee on an experimental pilot study about cigarette pack designs' relation to consumers' interest in health and quitting by providing a graphic design perspective and designing cigarette packaging for the study and helped author a paper in IJERPH.
After graduation, Nunzio accepted a job at RTI International.

Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson graduated in December 2013 with a B.S. in Public Health Studies (Concentration: Community Health) and from the MA in Health Education in December 2017. She worked with Dr. Lee on an assessment of LGBT health centers' tobacco cessation policies and systems. She joined the staff of the Pitt County AIDS Service Organization after graduating.

Israel Mendez
Israel Mendez graduated in May 2018. He worked on a project to understand how messages about health disparities are viewed by LGBT community leaders published in Health Promotion Practice and on a health information literacy project with migrant and seasonal farmworkers published in Journal of the Medical Libraries Association. He enrolled in ECU’s Physician Assistant Program after graduating.

Mahdi Sesay
Mahdi worked with Dr. Lee on a campus environmental cues and signage project, as a data collector with the Pitt County Health Department’s tobacco and beaches study, and on a project coding health education materials.
His work has contributed to two published papers:

Jasmine Spivey
Jasmine Spivey graduated in 2017. She led a research project on how pride parades and festivals incorporate tobacco-related policies and sponsorships that is published in the American Journal of Public Health. She enrolled in a health informatics program at the University of New England after graduating.

Michael Wright
Michael is completing his senior honors project assessing the availability of health education materials for farmworker health across multiple databases.

Abdul Zahra
Abdul has worked with Dr. Lee on an effort to identify tobacco retailers across the state and on the National Library of Medicine health disparities resources grant.